Caring for Wood Windows

Windows and doors made from natural wood can last a lifetime if you take care of them properly. Regular maintenance measures include treating the wood properly and performing frequent cleaning.
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Fiberglass vs. Wood Windows

In the first of a multi-part series, we will be exploring some of the key differences between window materials. In this post, we will discuss an old classic—wood windows—and a relative newcomer to the industry—fiberglass windows. In this multi-part series, our aim is not to anoint one product as superior to the others, but simply to inform consumers of the major differences between our different product choices. 
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Can Impact Windows Prevent Burglary?

It should come as no surprise that impact resistant windows are designed to protect your home from the elements, but did you know that they can help protect your home and family from burglary as well?
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What Do U-values and R-values Really Mean?

If you have been shopping for replacement windows for your home or are considering a more extensive remodeling project, you have likely seen the R-value and U-value advertised, but what are these ratings and what do they mean? Unless you are a contractor or well-versed in construction terminology, these numbers are probably useless to you without explanation.

In the sections below, we’ll explain what both the R-value and U-value are and why they are important when you are shopping for windows.

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