How to Eliminate Drafts From Your Windows & Doors

Drafts in your home can not only create uncomfortable living conditions but also increase your energy bills. A draft is simply a movement of air created by temperature changes due to air infiltration into your home. The most common cause of drafts is windows and doors that have compromised seals, warping, or rotting that creates gaps in the building envelope.

So, how do you effectively eliminate drafts from your home? Well, the answer depends on the severity of your problem and the condition of your windows and doors.

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Warning Signs for Replacing Your Windows

So you’re starting to have problems with your windows, but you’re unsure at what point you should finally just purchase new replacement windows. Sometimes the need for replacement is obvious—if your window is broken, for example—but other times, problems are evident but may not seem severe enough to warrant replacement.

If you notice any of the following problems with your windows, it is time to have them replaced:

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What Are the Best Replacement Windows?

So you’re shopping for new replacement windows and you want to know what is the best replacement window. While we are not an unbiased source, we believe that we produce the finest replacement windows on the market today. Although we may not spend millions of dollars on television or radio advertising every year to tell you why you should buy our windows, we consistently manufacture some of the highest-quality windows on the market today—right here in America.
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