LITE Foundation

LITE = Lives Inspired Through Employees.
The LITE Foundation is a non-profit organization that was developed by the company and its employees to provide local assistance to area organizations in need. Managed and funded by employees, the company provides a matching contribution annually to boost the impact of the pledges.
The employees of Weather Shield are committed to helping people help themselves. Through gifts of time, talent and treasure, we believe that we can help improve the quality of life in the communities where we live and work. Through improved quality of life on a local level, we will be more able to impact the lives of others at state, national and international levels. Our efforts are guided by the teaching that, "What you do to the least of my brothers, that you do to me." Matthew 25:40.
Weather Shield's innovative history isn'st just about products. Our employees are innovators in their communities, as well. Since inception in 1999, the LITE Foundation has received employee contributions, pledges and company-matched funds exceeding two million dollars. Funds have provided anything from children's playground equipment and emergency equipment for volunteer fire departments, to food pantry assistance in surrounding communities.
For information on grant applications, pledges or volunteer opportunities, please contact the Weather Shield Employee LITE Foundation representative nearest to your area:
Mailing Address:
Weather Shield Employee LITE Foundation, Inc.
 ATTN: Jason Evert, Foundation Administrator
 One Weather Shield Plaza
 Medford, WI 54451
Phone Number:
715-748-2100, ext. 2550

Area Representatives
Medford, WI: Craig Schemenauer -
Park Falls, WI: Jessica Dassey -
Ladysmith, WI: Jan Martin -

2021 LITE Foundation Glow Run Registration Form

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